
Hi, I’m a creator

How do we define success? πŸ€”

Published 9 months agoΒ β€’Β 4 min read



Hey there...

It's my birthday month! πŸŽ‰ And there's nothing quite like a trip around the sun to get you thinking....

You know how it goes – we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of chasing success. Society has this way of conditioning us to always strive for the next big thing – the degree, the job, the partner, the family. But in doing so, we often lose sight of what truly matters.

We forget to take a moment to pause and reflect on what we really want out of life. It's like we're afraid that stopping to think will somehow hold us back?

But here's the thing, my friend. The only way to truly move forward is by taking a step back and reflecting.

And let me tell you, my life took a major turn when I started doing one simple thing: I stopped conforming to everyone else's expectations and started listening to my own gut instincts.

I asked myself some tough questions:

What do I genuinely want?

What change do I want to bring to this world?

What skills do I have to offer?

What can I learn?

When you quiet the noise around you and dare to ask yourself these important questions, you'll slowly but surely find the right answers. It's when God speaks...

I'm cheering you on!

XO, 😘


πŸ“– Content I’m Consuming…

πŸ—’οΈ Article - Surrendering to Your Nature (David Perrell)

Wanna know a secret? The happiest people I know aren't trying to be something they're not. Instead, they're fully embracing their authentic selves. We don’t choose our gifts. They choose us. It's taken me most of my life to realize this, and David Perrel's article speaks right into my soul! Maybe you too?

πŸ“š Book - Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead (Sheryl Sandberg)

​Sheryl Sandberg (Former COO of Facebook/Meta) encourages women to step up and "sit at the table," take risks, embrace challenges, and go after their goals like champions. As a woman back in the workforce, I couldn't get enough of this one. It's inspirational, funny, and intimately personal... enjoy!

πŸŽ™οΈ Podcast - OnPurpose: Why Gut Health is Impacting Brain Health with Will Cole. (Jay Shetty)

I LOVE Jay Shetty's podcasts! #fangirl ....And in this episode with Dr. Will Cole, they dive into a topic close to my heart: gut health! They go deep into the gut's direct connection to physical, emotional, and mental health. (And what foods hurt and help your delicate microbiome!) For me, correcting my gut was one of the first steps in my healing journey... read more about my chronic illness recovery here!​

πŸ“Ί YouTube - 8 Simple Habits That Save Me 20+ Hours a Week (Ali Abdaal

I'm a closet productivity junky and have been watching Ali Abdaal's content for the last few years. I'm always seeking better ways to manage my overactive migraine/ ADD brain. Even if that's not you, time management is seriously the key to success. I mean, think about it - we can always hustle for more money, but we can never turn back the clock and get more time. Ali shares 8 habits that save him 20 hours every week we can consider for ourselves. Take a look!

✍️ My Latest Blogs and Guest Posts #SimonSays

Here are the most popular articles from the last month!

πŸ“ Exactly How I'm Healing From Chronic Illness & Migraines ​

πŸ“ Why You Need to Try a Mid-Year Review​

πŸ“ How to be the Person You Are On Vacation​

πŸ“ Tick Tock: Learning to Wait For God's Perfect Timing​

​(Read All Here!)​

πŸš€ Featured in...

πŸ“ Three Big Benefits of Heat Training You Need to Know (SRT Blog)

πŸ“ 5 Ideas for Introverts to Make a New Friend This Summer (Introvert Dear)

What else do you want to hear or learn about in my blog? Or, looking for a writer for your site? Holler! (Reply back to this email!)

πŸ“±Post of the Week ….

#PureMichigan, we've missed you! Paul and I traveled 'home' to Michigan at the end of July. Due to illness and covid, it had been almost three years since we'd seen my family and dear high school & college friends. Gosh, we've missed this place! ❀️ (Where have you been traveling this summer?)

β™₯️ Product I’m diggin

⌚️ Apple iWatch 8​

Paul got me the new Apple iWatch for mybirthdaya,y and I couldn't be more in love! (With Paul and with the watch, wink!! 😜 ) I'm digging the body temperature sensor and HRV (heart rate variability) capabilities to hone in on my daily wellness. πŸ’―

πŸ€” Did you know?

Last newsletter I shared that we got a new vintage record player and vinyls to play. = Turns out that vinyl’s havebeen on a hell of a run.

For the first time since 1987, kids, hipsters, and your deadbeat uncle bought more records than they did CDs. #truestory

πŸ€” Quotes I’m pondering…

"Do not remain married to a version of you that doesn't exist anymore." - Warikoo

"Only once you give yourself permission to stop trying to do it all, to stop saying yes to everyone, can you make your highest contribution towards the things that really matter." - Greg McKeown

"The longer you spend on a path that isn’t yours, the longer it takes to find a path that is." - Paul Miller

πŸ’­ Final thoughts

With a month of celebrating birthdays, anniversaries and puppies, I'm reminded these small moments are the milestones that truly matter.

As we begin a new week, I invite you to reflect on what success means to you. Maybe it's as simple as a restful night, a new book to devour (currently reading: 10X is Easier than 2X), or running for fun, (with no tech!? *gasp*!)

Remember, success is not one-size-fits-all - it's unique to each of us. Let it evolve, let it simmer, but most of all, enjoy the journey.

Here's to a week filled with joy, peace, and purpose.

Till next time,

XO 😘



Hi, I’m a creator

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