
Hi, I’m a creator

I'm a recovering people pleaser 😬

Published 11 months ago • 3 min read


☕️ I was sipping my coffee this morning, thinking about everything I had to do today, when this quote popped into my mind: "Why put off something for tomorrow that you can straight up cancel?”

Like many of you, I’ve been notorious for adding WAY too much to my plate …. and admittedly, the recovering people pleaser in me still struggles with saying no. 😬

But I’ve spent the last three years learning to PAUSE, enjoying a lighter load (chronic illness can make you do that!), and embracing the POWER OF PAUSE.

In a world of instant gratification, we often forget we are allowed to take a beat. Before saying yes or agreeing to a new task, ask yourself if you truly have the time and energy for it?

You’ll create more ease in your life and make space for things you truly care about -- like playing pickleball, running, or binging Succession. (Btw, did ya’ll see that finale! Whoa 😳)

XO, 😘


📖 Content I’m Consuming…

🗒️ Article - Why We See Threats Everywhere (Steve Magness)

This is a great read from two-time podcast guest, coach, and author Steve Magness about our responses to different types of stress and what we can do about them. My biggest takeaway was that our environment influences/affects our actions. (And it’s important to remember that our environment doesn’t necessarily mean a physical place. It can also be digital and encompass everything from the content we consume to the people we interact with.)

📚 Book - Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less (Greg McKeown)

I'm over halfway through this book and I can tell you that McKeown's philosophy is simple yet powerful: stop trying to do it all and start saying no to distractions. Only then can you make your highest contribution towards the things that really count. My biggest takeaway was learning to make decisions based on my values (God, Relationships, Health, and Work). What are yours?

🎙️ Podcast - Muscle Will Help You Live Longer | William Evans PhD (Dr. Gabrielle Lyon Show)

This episode will make you rethink your cardio queen/king habits and make you get to the gym - stat! 💪 Seriously though, during this show, Dr. William Evans shares the distinction between lean body mass and skeletal muscle and what we must prioritize to stay healthy and strong as we age. (Hint: It's not running marathons, boo!)

📺 YouTube - Discovering the Power of the Carnivore Diet: An Interview with Jess Randle

🥩 While I'm not a full-blown carnivore, I used an animal-based diet to help heal chronic migraines and my autoimmune conditions. And I LOVE hearing about other success stories and learning from other meaty friends. Btw: Coach Stephen, the host of this episode, coached me on my journey, and I highly recommend him! 💯

✍️ My Latest Blogs and Guest Posts #SimonSays

I’ve been busy writing on and working with other bloggers & publications to guest post. Here are the most popular articles from the last month!




🚀 Featured in...

📝 3 Easy Ways to Protect Your Mental Health as a Wellness Entrepreneur (SCW Fitness)

📝 5 Ways to Tell if You’re an Anxious Introvert (And What to Do About It!) (Introvert Dear)

What else do you want to hear or learn about in my blog? Or, looking for a writer for your site? Holler! (Reply back to this email!)

📱Post of the Week ….

In case you didn't hear, the PGA Senior Championships took place in our own backyard in Frisco, Texas, earlier this month. Work hard, play harder... FOUR! ⛳️

♥️ Product I’m diggin


I think I broke my toe this week (more on that later), but I've been living in my OOFOS every day since because they are LITERALLY the most comfortable shoe ever. They're marketed as recovery sandals for runners, but anyone could use these comfy slides. (And everyone should!) 😜

🤔 Did you know?

For some people, receiving a mild electric shock sounds more appealing than sitting with their own thoughts. (Literally!) ⚡

Yikes. While time alone offers the opportunity for stillness and self-reflection, not all of us find it easy to enjoy this kind of solitude, especially when our minds tend to get swirly after just a few seconds of silence.

If that’s you, you're not alone. #punintended 😉 And read this....

🤔 Quote I’m pondering…

"Sometimes all you need for exceptional results is average effort repeated for an above-average amount of time."– James Clear

💭 Final thoughts

Remember.... putting yourself first is not selfish. To love others well, you have to love yourself first.

This week, practice putting yourself first. Give yourself enough time for your morning routine. Rethink automatically saying yes to another social engagement when you already feel stretched thin.

When you respect your own bandwidth, you’re saying yes to interacting with others in a more meaningful way, and your future self will thank you later.

Till next time,

XO 😘

Hi, I’m a creator

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