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🤔 You're unique and perfect just the way you are....

#SimonSays... Hey there... Coming at you from 35,000 feet -- Yes, we've been jet-set the last few weeks, which has been awesome, but my inner homebody is screaming out! Which reminds me, I recently wrote a blog that resonated with MANY of you. I couldn't believe all the calls, texts and emails I received from friends saying, 'Wow, that's me too? (thanks for those, btw!) If you haven't had the chance, give it a read: IT TOOK ME 40 YEARS & SEVERE BURNOUT TO REALIZE I WAS AN INTROVERTED...

7 months ago • 3 min read

#SimonSays... Hey there... Okay, waaaait, wait, wait, can time slow down for a sec? ✋ How can it be Fall already? With the change of seasons, one thing I've been thinking about lately is how we often think that something "far off" will make us happy. We think traveling to a new place, getting a different job or meeting someone new will make us happy. But happiness will always be withheld if you believe it is somewhere else. Somewhere in the future.... The secret is to find joy in the people...

8 months ago • 3 min read

#SimonSays... Hey there... It's my birthday month! 🎉 And there's nothing quite like a trip around the sun to get you thinking.... You know how it goes – we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of chasing success. Society has this way of conditioning us to always strive for the next big thing – the degree, the job, the partner, the family. But in doing so, we often lose sight of what truly matters. We forget to take a moment to pause and reflect on what we really want out of life. It's like...

9 months ago • 4 min read

#SimonSays... Coming at you live writing from Watercolor, Florida, this week. Please excuse any typos or rambling since I'm (probably) writing this with a bloody mary in hand... 🍹 Back in the real world, I just started working for a new start-up. And I've been thinking a lot about the idea of "good enough".... "Perfection is the enemy of good" We often put a lot of pressure on ourselves to perfect something before sharing it with the world. But if we get caught in our heads, we end up letting...

10 months ago • 4 min read

#SimonSays... ☕️ I was sipping my coffee this morning, thinking about everything I had to do today, when this quote popped into my mind: "Why put off something for tomorrow that you can straight up cancel?” Like many of you, I’ve been notorious for adding WAY too much to my plate …. and admittedly, the recovering people pleaser in me still struggles with saying no. 😬 But I’ve spent the last three years learning to PAUSE, enjoying a lighter load (chronic illness can make you do that!), and...

11 months ago • 3 min read

#SimonSays... With Texas Big Star Half Marathon & 5k in the rear view mirror, Paul and I got away to Colorado Bend State Park last weekend (Hill Country area for you Texans). We looked forward to hiking, camping and spending quality time together to unwind.... which we did. But what we didn't expect was being forced to be off the grid. That's right. No cell service, wifi or hotspots - period. I'm not gonna lie, the first hours were tough. We both kept habitually reaching for our phones like...

about 1 year ago • 4 min read

It's here! #SimonSays... 🥁 Drumroll please... Welcome to the first edition of #SimonSays! I hope you’ll join me on this new writing journey. But of course, feel free to unsubscribe — you won’t hurt my feelings. But if you stay, I guarantee wellness & wisdom goodness packed into each newsletter Yes, I commit to writing this newsletter each month… something I’ve been putting off because I’ve been afraid. Scared to be judged Scared to commitment And scared to put myself out there! I’ve been...

about 1 year ago • 3 min read
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